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Brooke Doucet, RN CBN

Nicole Franklin, PsyD

Janelle Coughlin, PhD
IHEC Liaison


Anita Baird, RN BSN CBN
Genna Hymowitz, PhD, Senior Past Chair
Eva Panigrahi, PhD
Kate Rountree, RDN LDN
Colleen Schreyer, PhD, Immediate Past Chair
Dawn Stepnowski, DNP APN-C
Judith Summers, PA-C
Catherine Tuppo, PT MS CLT-LANA
Kalyn True
Mae Zoltowsky, RN BSN CPHQ

Staff Liaison

Leslie Vinson


The mission of the committee is to provide evidence-based support for the role of the team members in the care of long-term success of the bariatric surgical patient. The committee is comprised of each integrated team member including exercise, behavioral health, nursing, nutrition, surgery, and obesity medicine.


This committee is comprised of a representative from specialties that comprise the integrated team; behavioral health, nursing, nutrition, surgeons and obesity medicine. The goal of the committee is to investigate what literature has been published regarding the role of the team members in the care and long-term success of the bariatric surgical patient.


  • Define optimal multidisciplinary approach to surgical care
  • Evaluate current evidence and identify knowledge gaps regarding the impact of multidisciplinaryapproach on patient outcomes

Committee Goals


  1. Gain understanding of the multidisciplinary pain management strategies used in bariatric patient care practices among ASMBS membership
  2. Assess mentorship needs of ASMBS IH membership


  1. IH Mentorship Program: Create a pilot mentorship program to for ASMBS IH members
  2. Host a webinar on clinician burnout

Long-Term Goals

  1. Increase committee membership by having all integrated health specialties
  2. Host two webinars per year on emerging research for the IH community
  3. Continue to contribute to the IH Toolkit on the Active ASMBS IH Members Only Facebook page – Collaboration with IH Clinical Issues Committee

Specific Projects that Achieve Goals and Objectives


  1. Using data from the MBSAQIP BSTOP project to host a webinar on multidisciplinary approaches to non-pharmacological pain management
  2. Hosted an Integrated Health Mentorship webinar in the Spring to evaluate and discuss mentorship needs among ASMBS IH members


  1. Developing Toolkit resources in each specialty for the IH Mentorship Program
  2. Preparing to host a webinar on Burnout in the Fall


  1. The committee consists of a member from each IH specialty and recruits new members as positions become available
  2. Hosted a webinar in the Spring of 2021 and preparing another webinar for the Fall of 2022
  3. Will continue to create and share IH Toolkit resources as needed

2021-2022 Completed Projects

  1. Presented the Mentorship in Integrated Health: Building a program for Multidisciplinary Care Providers webinar to ASMBS membership in the Spring of 2021
  2. Presented A Multidisciplinary Approach to Non-pharmacological Pain Management webinar to ASMBS membership in February 2022
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