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Learn how obesity surgery can help reclaim your life

Disease of Obesity

Obesity is no longer considered a cosmetic issue that is caused by overeating and a lack of self-control. The World Health Organization (W.H.O.), along with National and International medical and scientific societies, now recognize obesity as a chronic progressive disease resulting from multiple environmental and genetic factors.

The disease of obesity is extremely costly not only in terms of economics, but also in terms of individual and societal health, longevity, and psychological well-being. Due to its…

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BMI Calculator

BMI (Body Mass Index) is a measure of body fat based on height and weight. Use our online calculate to find out your BMI.

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Making Choices About Surgery

These tools are designed to assist those considering bariatric surgery.

Working with your insurance provider for coverage of bariatric surgery can often be a difficult task. Your insurance policy may or may not cover bariatric surgery and such coverage varies widely depending on your location and employer.

Most bariatric practices have a dedicated staff to help you navigate your insurance policy; however, in the event they do not, there are resources available. The Obesity Action…

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Medical Tourism

Medical tourism is the practice of traveling across international borders to access healthcare systems or physician services that are not available or less attractive in a person’s native country. Although medical tourism is not a new concept, high health care cost, long wait times, availability of relatively inexpensive worldwide travel, and increasing number of countries catering to medical tourism have led to an increase in this practice throughout the last decade. Today, facilities catering to…

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Surgery for Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes is commonly caused by Obesity. Obesity Surgery has the potential to treat and even cure Type 2 Diabetes.

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Who is a Candidate for Bariatric Surgery?

Qualifications for bariatric surgery in most areas include:

» MBS is recommended for individuals with BMI ≥35 kg/m2, regardless of presence, absence, or severity of co-morbidities. » MBS is recommended in patients with T2D and BMI ≥30 kg/m2. » MBS should be considered in individuals with BMI of 30–34.9 kg/m2 who do not achieve substantial or durable weight loss or co-morbidity improvement using nonsurgical methods.

For example, an adult who is 5’11" tall and weighs…

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Life After Bariatric Surgery

Obesity is a disease that can be difficult to treat and is related to many other medical problems. Treatment for obesity goes beyond a quick diet or surgery. Patients should expect to have a new lifestyle that combines healthy eating, exercise, and regular visits to healthcare providers. This approach will offer the best chance for success to prevent weight regain and return of medical problems.

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Childhood and Adolescent Obesity

Updated February 2022 | Written by the ASMBS Public Education Committee and the ASMBS Pediatric Committee | En español

The problem of obesity

Obesity is the most common chronic disease in childhood. It is a complex disease with few successful treatment options. A combination of genetic and environmental factors contribute to childhood obesity. Associated health problems are common and include type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,…

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