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January – February 2023 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 3/5/2023

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

118th Congress Convenes: Advocates Evaluating Changes for TROA

As the 118th Congress convened in January, obesity advocates began discussions with House and Senate champions for the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA). Given that it has now been more than 10 years since TROA was first introduced, supporters are evaluating possible changes to the legislation to address possible cost concerns that are rumored to be coming from the…

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November 2022 OCC Advocacy Report – Special Mid-Term Election Edition

Posted 12/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

MID-TERM ELECTIONS: Democrats Maintain Senate Control while GOP Flips Control of the House

At the time of this report, Republicans have won enough seats to command a slim majority and take control of the House of Representatives next year when the 118th Congress convenes in January. On the Senate side, Democrats maintained control of the chamber — securing 50 seats with the possibility of reaching 51 should current…

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October 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 10/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Finance Committee Chair Wyden Asks CBO to Score the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act

During September, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) requested that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provide a fiscal score for the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA). Rumors on the Hill suggest that CBO will provide a high level cost number for TROA sometime in October or November. Meanwhile, support for the legislation…

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August 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 8/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) becomes 21st Senate TROA Cosponsor!

During July, Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) became the 21st Senate cosponsor of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) bringing the total House and Senate cosponsors to 168! OCAN members will continue to meet with members of Congress during the August recess in hopes of getting TROA added to any end-of-year must-pass legislative packages. Also stay tuned for more…

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July 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 7/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Support for TROA Continues to Grow

At the time of this report, the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act had reached 167 total House and Senate cosponsors with the addition of Representatives Hank Johnson (D-GA) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). OCAN members continue to meet with members of Congress and are hopeful that more legislators will cosponsor TROA — especially in the wake of recent guidance from the Federal Office…

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May 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 5/4/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

TROA Reaches 160 Total Supporters

At the time of this report, the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act had reached 160 total congressional supporters with 18 Senators and 140 House Members cosponsoring the legislation that has been introduced by Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) and Representative Ron Kind (D-WI). OCAN members continue to meet with members of Congress and are hopeful that more legislators will cosponsor TROA — especially in…

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April 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 4/1/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

OPM Issues Guidance Supporting FEHB Program Coverage of Obesity Care

In a February 17, 2022 carrier letter and a subsequent March 16, 2022 technical guidance letter , the Federal Office of Personnel Management (OPM) spelled out specific guidance for health insurance carriers that administer Federal Employee Health Benefit (FEHB) plans — "clarifying that FEHB Carriers are not allowed to exclude anti-obesity medications from coverage based on a benefit…

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March 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 3/1/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Advocates Virtually Swarm Capitol Hill in Support of TROA

During Obesity Care Week (OCW), advocates from both inside and outside of the obesity community participated in roughly 100 congressional visits — urging House and Senate offices to support passage of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA). The OCW advocacy push came as TROA passed the critical milestone of 150 total supporters in the House and Senate! Please…

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February 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 1/28/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Dr. Angela Fitch Joins HHS Listening Session on Obesity On January 27th, Obesity Medicine Association President-Elect and Obesity Action Coalition Board Member Dr. Angela Fitch joined other stakeholder groups for a roundtable “listening session” with HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra. The event, which was coordinated through the Secretary’s office, focused on obesity and nutrition. Dr. Fitch joined representatives from other stakeholder groups, including Trust for America’s Health,…

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December 2021 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 12/3/2021

Prepared by Chris Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

In this report: OCW February 28th and March 4th Advocacy Days, Legislative & Regulatory Update on TROA, and OCC Leaders Submit Testimony Supporting Anti-Weight Discrimination Bill

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