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ASMBS Bylaws

Published May 2019

Amended and Restated Bylaws of American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery

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ASMBS Privacy Policy

Published May 2018

After extensive research and analysis, the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) has updated our policies to be compliant with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

The ASMBS has implemented a privacy policy and it will change how you receive emails. Please read this email in its entirety as it contains important updates to how European Union (EU) citizens receive emails.

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ASMBS Code of Ethics

Published March 2016

Adopted by the Executive Council February 2005

Revised September 27, 2012

Revised March 16, 2016

This Code of Ethics of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery is intended as a guide to assist all members of the Society in achieving the highest level of ethical conduct in their relations with patients, peers and the public.

First and foremost, all actions by the healthcare provider should be in the best interest of the…

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ASMBS Social Media Policy

Published November 2011

The ASMBS does not endorse or take responsibility for content posted by third parties. This includes text input and uploaded files (video, images, audio, executables, documents).

In order to promote participation and the airing of differing points of view, ASMBS will accept posts which may or may not reflect the position or policy of ASMBS

The ASMBS reserves the right to remove information at its sole discretion.  Comments and posts should be civil, smart and…

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ASMBS Advertising Guidelines

Published October 2010

Adopted by the Executive Council June 12, 2007

The ASMBS Code of Ethics provision on advertising by Members of the Society states:

V. Advertising; Release of Information to Media or Nonprofessional Publications.

Advertising and other disseminated information must be truthful and accurate. False, deceptive, inaccurate, or misleading information in any form is inappropriate and unethical. Unjustified expectations of results must not be created, either through statements, testimonials, photographs, or other means. Realistic reporting of risks…

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ASMBS Antitrust Policy

Published June 2009

This document sets forth the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery’s (the “Society’s”) Antitrust Compliance Policy and the rules of conduct and compliance procedures which govern all Society activities. These formal guidelines are intended to: (1) prevent the occurrence of an actual antitrust violation in the course of Society activities, and (2) prevent inadvertent conduct which might give the appearance of an antitrust violation to someone unfamiliar with the Society’s nature and purposes.


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ASMBS Logo Policy

Published September 2008

The following provisions govern the use of the official seal of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (the “Seal”).

The Seal is a service mark of the American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (the “Society”).  All rights to the Seal belong to the Society. The Seal may be used only in accordance with these guidelines.  Any use of the Seal that does not comply with these guidelines is prohibited.

A) Individual Members:…

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