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Sample Job Descriptions

Published June 2017

The content of this resource is only available to logged-in ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can sign in to view it.

Physical Activity

Published June 2017

Providing recommendations and resources based on a patient’s individual needs and history is critical. This section provides links to websites that can help you develop materials for patients related to physical activity and ideas for creative resources to provide.

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Nutrition & Supplements

Published June 2017

Nutrition and supplementation plays a critical role in the ongoing health of a patient undergoing bariatric surgery. This section supplies resources and guidelines of nutrition and supplemental research, however this does not encompass the vast amount of data concerning this subject matter and is not all-inclusive.

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Informed Consent

Published June 2017

This section contains information that can assist healthcare professionals in creating patient education materials to be provided throughout the informed consent process. As individual programs differ, these resources are not all-encompassing and should be tailored to each program’s needs.

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Facility Stay

Published June 2017

This section contains an outline of items to consider in the creation of your patient documents concerning the facility stay during the bariatric surgery process. The needs of each clinic will be different, and these resources are provided as a guide only.

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VTE Prophylaxis

Published June 2017

The Toolkit items are living documents continually under construction; materials are regularly added and updated to provide members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. Please continue to check back to discover new resources. Creation of these Toolkit items is a comprehensive process by which multiple ASMBS committees vet the material to ensure members are provided with the most accurate and pertinent information. All resources contained herein have to be approved by both the Integrated…

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Psychosocial Guidelines

Published June 2017

The content of this resource is only available to logged-in ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can sign in to view it.

Clinical Pathway Templates

Published June 2017

The Toolkit items are living documents continually under construction; materials are regularly added and updated to provide members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. Please continue to check back to discover new resources. Creation of these Toolkit items is a comprehensive process by which multiple ASMBS committees vet the material to ensure members are provided with the most accurate and pertinent information. All resources contained herein have to be approved by both the Integrated…

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Other Published Guidelines

Published June 2017

The content of this resource is only available to logged-in ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can sign in to view it.

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