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Published June 2017

Important Notice

The Toolkit items are living documents continually under construction; materials are regularly added and updated to provide members with the most up-to-date and relevant information. Please continue to check back to discover new resources. Creation of these Toolkit items is a comprehensive process by which multiple ASMBS committees vet the material to ensure members are provided with the most accurate and pertinent information. All resources contained herein have to be approved by both the Integrated Health and Surgeon Clinical Issues Committees as well as the Integrated Health and Surgeon Executive Councils.

Nutrition and supplementation plays a critical role in the ongoing health of a patient undergoing bariatric surgery. Patient Education materials can be developed for each chapter of the bariatric surgery journey including pre-operative, post-operative, life-long and even in-between. Nutrition and supplementation documents will often be based upon the bariatric team’s recommendations. In this section, you will find an outline of items to consider in the creation of your patient documents concerning nutrition and supplementation. You will also find resources and guidelines of nutrition and supplemental research, however this does not encompass the vast amount of data concerning this subject matter and is not all-inclusive. The needs of each clinic will be different, and these resources are provided as a guide only.

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