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 New England Chapter Logo

Chapter Information

Incorporated June 2016

Executive Officers

President: Matthew Hutter, MD MPH FASMBS
Vice President/Secretary: John Romanelli, MD
Treasurer: David Lautz, MD
STAR (State Access to Care Representative) MA: Sheila Partridge, MD FASMBS
STAR (State Access to Care Representative) ME: Jamie Loggins, MD
STAR (State Access to Care Representative) NH: Robert Catania, MD FASMBS
STAR (State Access to Care Representative) RI: Siva Vithiananthan, MD FASMBS
STAR (State Access to Care Representative) VT: Patrick Forgione, MD
IH STAR (State Access to Care Representative (All New England): Melissa Page, MS RD CSOWM LDN

Chapter Meetings

  • New England Chapter Meeting at ObesityWeek 2018
    Tuesday, November 13
    5:15-6:15pm Central
    Omni Nashville Hotel, 250 5th Ave S, Nashville, TN 37203, Music Row 4 Room

  • New England Chapter Meeting at ObesityWeek 2016 in New Orleans, LA
    Wednesday, November 2, 2016
    6:15-7:15pm Central
    Hilton New Orleans Riverside Canal Room

  • State Chapter Meeting at ObesityWeek 2015 in Los Angeles, CA:
    Wednesday, November 4, 2015
    6pm-7pm Pacific Time
    L.A. Convention Center Room #303B

Advocacy Information

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