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October 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 10/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Finance Committee Chair Wyden Asks CBO to Score the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act

During September, Senate Finance Committee Chair Ron Wyden (D-OR) requested that the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) provide a fiscal score for the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA). Rumors on the Hill suggest that CBO will provide a high level cost number for TROA sometime in October or November. Meanwhile, support for the legislation…

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September is National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month!

Posted 9/1/2022

Obesity in children continues to be a major health problem, but there has been progress.  In the last decade surgery for severe obesity in children has become accepted as a standard of care.  The American Academy of Pediatrics has revised its guidelines from surgery being “considered” in 2012 to “accepted treatment” in 2019. ASMBS has endorsed these evidence-based best practices. 1

Who will provide metabolic and bariatric surgical care for children?  Lewit…

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August 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 8/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) becomes 21st Senate TROA Cosponsor!

During July, Senator Gary Peters (D-MI) became the 21st Senate cosponsor of the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA) bringing the total House and Senate cosponsors to 168! OCAN members will continue to meet with members of Congress during the August recess in hopes of getting TROA added to any end-of-year must-pass legislative packages. Also stay tuned for more…

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August 2022 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 8/5/2022

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July 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 7/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

Support for TROA Continues to Grow

At the time of this report, the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act had reached 167 total House and Senate cosponsors with the addition of Representatives Hank Johnson (D-GA) and Jamaal Bowman (D-NY). OCAN members continue to meet with members of Congress and are hopeful that more legislators will cosponsor TROA — especially in the wake of recent guidance from the Federal Office…

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July 2022 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 7/5/2022

The content of this article is only available to logged-in ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can sign in to view it.

May 2022 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 5/4/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

TROA Reaches 160 Total Supporters

At the time of this report, the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act had reached 160 total congressional supporters with 18 Senators and 140 House Members cosponsoring the legislation that has been introduced by Senator Tom Carper (D-DE) and Representative Ron Kind (D-WI). OCAN members continue to meet with members of Congress and are hopeful that more legislators will cosponsor TROA — especially in…

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May 2022 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 5/4/2022

The content of this article is only available to logged-in ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can sign in to view it.

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