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New Survey Finds COVID-19 Pandemic Changed Public’s View of Obesity

Posted 3/22/2023

For Immediate Release March 22, 2023

CONTACT: Roger Kissin

Health Concerns Trigger Millions to Consider New Weight-Loss Methods for First Time

NEWBERRY, FL – March 22,2023 – Nearly a third of Americans (29%) say COVID-19 made them more worried than ever about having obesity prompting about 28 million people to consider weight-loss methods they hadn’t thought about before the pandemic began, including nearly 6.4 million thought about turning to either weight-loss surgery or…

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January – February 2023 OCC Advocacy Report

Posted 3/5/2023

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

118th Congress Convenes: Advocates Evaluating Changes for TROA

As the 118th Congress convened in January, obesity advocates began discussions with House and Senate champions for the Treat and Reduce Obesity Act (TROA). Given that it has now been more than 10 years since TROA was first introduced, supporters are evaluating possible changes to the legislation to address possible cost concerns that are rumored to be coming from the…

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March 2023 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 3/5/2023

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February 2023 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 2/5/2023

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January 2023 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 1/5/2023

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December 2022 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 12/5/2022

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November 2022 OCC Advocacy Report – Special Mid-Term Election Edition

Posted 12/5/2022

Prepared by Christopher Gallagher, OCC Washington Representative

MID-TERM ELECTIONS: Democrats Maintain Senate Control while GOP Flips Control of the House

At the time of this report, Republicans have won enough seats to command a slim majority and take control of the House of Representatives next year when the 118th Congress convenes in January. On the Senate side, Democrats maintained control of the chamber — securing 50 seats with the possibility of reaching 51 should current…

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November 2022 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 11/5/2022

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After 30 Years — New Guidelines For Weight-Loss Surgery

Posted 10/21/2022

For Immediate Release October 21, 2022

CONTACT: Roger Kissin

Medical Groups Replace Outdated Consensus Statement that Overly Restricts Access to Modern-Day Weight-Loss Surgery

NEWBERRY, FL – Oct. 21, 2022 – Two of the world’s leading authorities on bariatric and metabolic surgery have issued new evidence-based clinical guidelines that among a slew of recommendations expand patient eligibility for weight-loss surgery and endorse metabolic surgery for patients with type 2 diabetes beginning at a…

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October 2022 Top 5 on the 5th

Posted 10/5/2022

The content of this article is only available to logged-in ASMBS members. If you're already an ASMBS member, you can sign in to view it.

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