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Depression Before Surgery Does Not Interfere with Weight Loss After Surgery, New Study Shows

Published June 2012

ORLANDO, FL – June 15, 2011 – Depression and anxiety do not seem to interfere with the amount of weight loss or the improvement of obesity-related conditions after bariatric surgery, according to a new study* of more than 25,000 patients presented here at the 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS).

Whether depressed or not, patients with morbid obesity lost about 60 percent of their excess weight within…

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Studies Weigh in on Safety and Effectiveness of Newer Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery Procedure

Published June 2012

SAN DIEGO, CA JUNE 20, 2012 – Studies from Stanford University, Cleveland Clinic Florida and the Naval Medical Center in San Diego show laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy, an increasingly popular surgical procedure where the stomach is reduced by 85 percent, is as safe as or safer than laparoscopic gastric bypass or gastric banding. The studies* were presented here at the 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Metabolic & Bariatric…

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Informed Consent Materials

Published July 2011

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Bariatric Surgery: Postoperative Concerns

Published February 2008

Revised 02/07/2008 | Published: 05/23/2007

Looking for information on life after bariatric surgery? Get the latest information in our Patient Learning Center

This information is to be used as a guide to the care and concerns of the bariatric surgical patient and is only to be used as information to discuss with your bariatric and/or family physician to decide your appropriate care.

From ASBS Public/Professional Education Committee

Dumping syndrome is a common side effect after…

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