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Posted 7/19/2014

The ASMBS is calling on members and state chapters to join the fight for greater patient access to metabolic and bariatric surgery, and is providing downloadable tools to help them do that.

“No one can afford to sit this one out,” said Ninh T. Nguyen, MD, president of the ASMBS “Bariatric and metabolic surgery is significantly underutilized and everyone, from individuals to organizations, has a responsibility to help tear down the barriers to treatment.”

On its new website, the ASMBS has a section dedicated to advocacy where it provides information and tools that can help members and groups make the case for access to private and public insurers, employers and the state health exchanges created under the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

The site features a state health exchange coverage map that shows more than half the country does not cover bariatric surgery or weight loss programs.


Do not cover bariatric surgery nor weight loss programs
Covers bariatric surgery but does not cover weight loss programs
Covers bariatric surgery and weight loss programs

Read the full story in the July 2014 issue of connect

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