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Posted 6/8/2020

The brutal killings of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless untold others have triggered widespread outrage. These atrocities cast a bright light on the lack of respect and value for Black lives. We at ASMBS are heartbroken that racism remains a pervasive and systemic problem in our country today.

We are first and foremost healers. Our country suffers the non-healing wound of racism, and as healers we have a duty to treat. We acknowledge the repetitive trauma, sorrow and outrage inflicted upon the Black community from long-standing systemic racism, racial injustice, economic inequity and health disparities in our country. We acknowledge the pattern of racist violence and oppression. We condemn police racial injustice, systematic excessive use of force and those who act with brutality. We stand firmly in solidarity with the Black community and pledge to fight against racism, intolerance, violence and bias, by promoting and practicing equity, diversity and inclusion. To be silent is to be part of the problem and not part of the solution, which is unacceptable.

Words are important, but words are not enough. Only sustained action will bring about change. We call our members to action to confront bigotry and prejudice honestly and boldly. We, as healers, need to dismantle racism, inequity and injustice wherever it may be as long as it persists. Black lives do matter.

The ASMBS Executive Council

The ASMBS Diversity and Inclusion Committee

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